
Some technical details

These pages have been written by hand, with a Perl script Perl to homogeneize the presentation and menus. They should be valid HTML 4.01 and CSS 2.1 (from the W3C). They should then display correctly on all browsers.

Management of languages

Each page can be available in several languages, that can be selected by clicking in the list below the menu. But this choice applies then only to the current page.

To set a global preference, you need to use to language preferences of your browser. For instance, for Firefox 129: ☰ > Settings > General > Language and Appearance > Language > Choose your preferred language for displaying pages.


These pages are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

This page is https://eric.buchlin.org/about/index.en.html
Contact: Éric Buchlin

Valid HTML 4.01!

$Id: index.en.html 48 2024-08-09 17:57:00Z eric $